
The term geopolitics refers to the geography of a place creating political issues. An example is how oil rich countries in the middle east have much more political power than they would without the oil.  In the case of Hemp Town, it’s the fact that the entire community is completely ‘off the grid’ and not relying on the commercial systems of the country it is located in.  This self-sufficiency is the geopolitical issue Hemp Town will have to resolve in order to coexist with the current world order.

It was determined by the ancient Greeks that there is an optimum size for a town beyond which problems occur which would not if the size is not increased. This is apparent today as everywhere grows increasingly more populated.  Our cities are becoming bigger and bigger as people gravitate to them as historically it was thought that the cities are where you can ‘make something of yourself.’  This theory was true for centuries as cities focused motivated people to collaborate on things utilising the variety of materials and commerce located in the compact city streets.

This is not the case anymore.  The internet has created the opportunity for decentralised living utilising its web of worldwide communication to overcome the challenges that large cities could only provide previously.  In addition, the advent of self-sufficient power and utilities eliminate the need for this type of infrastructure which was another draw that only cities could previously provide.

There have been numerous studies connecting overpopulation with a long list of social disorders such as drug addition and anti social behaviour. Most notably are these famous studies on rat behaviour when overpopulation is introduced.

the behavioral sink

Rat Park

Without the need for proximity to infrastructure, a place like Hemp Town could be located far away from currently overpopulated areas utilising unused areas of the countryside.  With a population capped at what is required to keep Hemp Town running, the size will encourage the ‘tribe’ mentality of common purpose and everyone knowing everybody else.  This small population size along with the site’s self-sufficiency is what creates the sense of community and interdependence.

All of the jobs required for a self-sufficient community eco system should be filled by the inhabitants and include areas of retail, administration, management, events, construction, farming, research & development, among others.

A system of compensation that includes living quarters, food, power, water, sewerage, hemp products, profit sharing, as well as a salary will be developed.  The goal of the compensation package is to minimise or eliminate personal costs for essential items, so that the actual salary is basically disposable income.  This greatly reduces the actual monetary income which reduces taxes, bank fees, and many other complications that higher cash income creates.


There are many unknowns in the development of Hemp Town, and we know that it will be an ever-evolving process, but the pillars of the community are clear, and the benefits of the concept are being demonstrated around the world in various forms. Our vision is to combine the best of these ideas around the local hemp production to create the embryo of a future living concept that all of humanity can embrace.

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